One Woman Show

Meet Artist Sonja Pietrasz.   Sonja grew up in New Hampshire and has always had a knack for the creative things in life. The idea of being an artist, however, at least at a young age, honestly never seemed like a very attractive or attainable one to her. She had the idea of a struggling […]

Hope Blossom’s Mural

This Reading, Pennsylvania. October 2021 This is the last of my 2021 SIDE SHOW Series for the year. More to come in 2022. While visiting friends and family in Reading, Pennsylvania I was invited to meet local Artist/Muralist Michael Miller to learn more about his connection to public art and the collection of murals that […]

Rubbing The Surface with Artist Judy Caldwell

Mohegan Island Studio | Maine Monhegan is a small rocky island ten miles from the nearest mainland and scarcely a square mile in area. It is accessible only by boat and is primarily a walking island. Since the 1800s the island’s two primary economies are fishing and tourism. Lobster traps line the unpaved roads that […]